About Us

Our Mission

To help charities meet their goals by creating valuable content that increases awareness and drives fundraising via the thriving content economy. Additionally, our team will mentor young people from marginalized communities so they can learn valuable and in-demand content-creation skills. Our expert team is passionate and experienced in Film & TV Production, Drone Piloting, Professional Photography, Social Media Marketing, Video Editing, and Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Our Creative Team

Jaclyn Horton

Chief Executive Officer

A teenage survivor of ovarian and endometrial cancers, Jaclyn was raised by a single mother with an autistic brother in a low-income Mexican home. Caring for her mother with Parkinson’s, Jaclyn scraped by academically. Her ongoing cancer treatments pushed back her ability to start college. Determined, she graduated from Texas A&M with a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology before earning her MBA in 2021.

Matthew C. Egan

Chief Story Officer

Award winning filmmaker, Matthew is the Philanthropy Director for the Peter Mayhew Foundation and FAA 107 Licensed Drone Pilot. His recent TV and Film projects include “Garage Dreams” for the MotorTrend Channel. Matthew’s online video content has passed over ten million views, and he leverages his background in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to publish content so that it reaches unseen heights.

Nicholas Honegger

Chief Experience Officer

Nick Honegger is an accomplished entrepreneur with a passion for driving positive change. With a remarkable background as an executive in both the for-profit and non-profit sectors, Nick has built purpose-driven brands that transform industries. He actively serves on the board of VentureLab, a non-profit organization dedicated to entrepreneurial education, where he played a key role in its establishment in 2013.

Our Development Team


Pupper Doggo in Chief

Zelda, one of the very first fosters of the Egan household, brings her fantastic energy and a much-needed morale boost to the team. A graduate of the Harvard School of Canine Excellence, she is committed to serving our mission of helping others and amplifying the good in the world.

Laurel Lampton

Logistics Director

Laurel is a master of logistics, having run freight and shipping departments; she took over as the Logistics Director for the Peter Mayhew Foundation shipping fundraising incentives worldwide. Displaced as a child due to sexual violence, she relocated from Illinois to Texas. An accomplished technical copywriter, she leverages these skills to write grant applications for partnered charities and keeps us moving day to day.

Robert Fisher

Advocacy Director

Overcoming challenges since birth, Robert’s mother was murdered when he was a baby. A descendant of Creek Indians, Rob bounced around multiple foster homes until he was adopted at age 5. At 18, Rob found himself homeless with only $18.50 to his name. He spent a year in jail for burglary in 1994 before being sent to military school. In 2017 Rob Co-Created Holocron Toys, which has donated over $350,000 in Star Wars toys to the Peter Mayhew Foundation.


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Purpose-driven creativity is the heart of Content On Call. No matter the scope or size of your project, we are solutions-oriented. We really are ON CALL. Let’s talk through your project details. Let us show you how Content on Call can help.

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